Research Highlights
Temporal Difference Metric Learning for Robot Motion Planning
Abstract— A novel self-supervised temporal difference metric learning approach that solves the Eikonal PDE for robot motion planning.
ICLR'25Physics-informed Neural Mapping and Motion Planning
Abstract— A self-supervised neural framework that actively explores the unknown environment and maps its arrival time field for robot motion planning.
TRO'25Integrating Active Sensing and Rearrangement Planning for Object Retrieval
Abstract— An integrated active sensing and rearrangement planning approach for object retrieval from unknown environments.
ICRA'25Physics-informed Constrained Motion Planning
Abstract— A self-supervised Neural Eikonal PDE solver for robot motion planning on constraint manifold.
ICRA'24NeRP: Neural Rearrangement Planning for Unknown Objects
Abstract— NeRP is a learning-based approach for multi-step neural object rearrangement planning with never-before-seen objects in the real world.
RSS'21Constrained Motion Planning Networks X
Abstract— CoMPNetX is a neural planning approach with a fast projection operator for solving constrained manipulation tasks.